Archive for December, 2010

Dec 5th
That was my bowling score. Not bad for someone as inexperienced as me. I rarely bowl but when I do I am competitive and get really angry when i don’t knock over at least half the pins. I was pleasantly pleased with my score & i even came in first =) It would be kickass to be part of a bowling league and get my own shoes & ball, i would really consider it if i had someone i knew to do it with lol. So after bowling my friends & i went to one of our favorite restaurants for some grub & inside they had some really awesome gingerbread houses on display that were made by local kids. I was really impressed! I personally have never made a good looking ginger bread house so i can only imagine how tedious and time consuming it was to make such a structure. Pretty neat huh? Very festive =) Anywho, enjoy my little video & pics. xoxoxo Bri
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