Archive for January, 2012

Birthday Blog!!
Jan 26th
Hey Guys
What a crazy week it has been for me!! First off I’d like to send out a big heartfelt thank you to all the wonderful people that shared the love with me on my Birthday yesterday. I was completely blown away by the amount of Birthday wishes I received from you all. Thank you so much for making me feel so special!! And an extra special thank you to the guys that bought me gifts & sent me Birthday cards as well. I love you all!!!
Had a pretty good Birthday over all. Had dinner with my family, which was great!! I even got a cake!!
Then in the evening I went to the Hustler Club in St Louis to judge the Miss Nude Illinois contest!! It was so much fun and I had such a blast!! Tonight I’ve got my big Birthday bash going on at Club 15!! Everyone is welcome so if you’re local to St Louis then come wish me a Happy Birthday!! =)
So for those of you that don’t know, I travelled to Vegas last weekend for the AVNs. It was my first time there & it was a real experience!! Unfortunately my original travel plans fell through because my girlfriend’s poor Dad got sick. =( So at the last minute I arranged to stay with Charity Bangs & Sheena Ryder in a suite at the Hard Rock!! That was an experience in itself!! Haha!! I made a couple of new friends!
I got to meet some pretty ladies at the AVN Expo as well. I didn’t get to meet up with everyone that I wanted to, but there’s always next year!! =)
While I was out there though I managed to catch a Skrillex concert!! WOW!! I love this guy! Skrillex is amazingly talented, I love dubstep!! I got down, I raved, i moshed and all in a little tight dress & high heels!! I somehow managed to get a pic of him at work in amongst all the madness!
Don’t forget that I changed my member show to 7est on Friday this week. We’ll be able to catch up on my crazy week in more detail there!! I’ll also let you know how my party goes tonight. Pics will be posted here soon so keep your eyes peeled!!!
Speak to you all soon!!
Bri xo

The REAL Briana Lee!
Jan 14th
Hey Guys,
So lately I’ve been posting alot of candid pics of myself on Twitter and Facebook. They are pics from my real life, when I’m out & about & having fun, my non model side! Lol! Below is a selection of them.
If you do want to keep up with what is happening in my life the best way is to follow me on Twitter here.
I hope you enjoy the pics!
Bri xo
My BFF Lola!!
Jan 9th
Hey guys,
Check out the video below of everyone’s favourite pug LOLA!!! Also, she now has her own Twitter account so don’t forget to go follow her here.